

Who We Are

Recognized as a national IPE leader, 正规澳门赌场网络是新英格兰地区唯一一所加入美国国家跨专业教育与实践中心创新网络的大学.

Our mission is to prepare students to work collaboratively, across disciplines, 作为临床和社区团队的成员,取得更成功的成果.

我们的工作涉及UNE的每个健康专业项目和许多艺术, sciences, research, and humanities programs. We foster an inclusive environment where students, faculty, 社区合作伙伴共同学习,促进有效的卫生做法,改善所有人的生活质量.

What is Interprofessional Education?

跨专业教育是指来自两个或两个以上学科的学生相互学习, from, 并相互了解,以更好地了解不同职业的角色和专长, improve communication, enhance teamwork, and advance future workforce skills.  

IPE began with health professions, 来自不同专业的学生被教导一起工作,作为更大的, interdisciplinary healthcare teams. 这种方法已被证明能产生成功的患者结果, 这个模型现在正在扩展,以便它可以应用于更广泛的情况.

协同实践是IPE的专业应用, 来自不同背景和不同专业领域的人员共同努力,提供更高质量的服务和护理,以实现共同的目标.


Morgan Dube stands smiling. She is holding her stethoscope around her neck

Morgan Dube '22

Physician Assistant (M.S.P.A.)

Experiential Education

真正吸引我的是正规澳门赌场网络的所有机会 interprofessional learning. 我们能够结识所有健康专业的新朋友,并最终学到比私人助理更多的东西. Once I graduate, 我知道我将能够把这些经验应用到我的工作中,因为团队合作在卫生专业环境中非常重要. In order to give patients the best care, 你总是需要让其他人参与到工作中来. 正规澳门赌场网络的跨专业机会绝对是我最喜欢的部分 PA program. 这类机会不断增加,这很好.

We are working on things with 49 other students, so we have a great sense of teamwork, and everyone offers something unique. 我们将在未来的团队工作,所以这种类型的练习现在是伟大的.

我班上所有的学生都有不同的背景,这真的很酷. In each module that we have, we are learning different things, 有些人能够以这种有用的方式从过去的经验中贡献他们的见解. 它增强了我们的学习经验,使它变得更加有趣和有价值.

Exceptional Teaching and Learning

We're in our cardio module right now, and learning how to read EKG is hard, but it’s really interesting and fun too. [Our professor] is super helpful. 我们可以把心电图放在彼此身上,得到我们自己的读数,然后解读它们, which I thought was really cool. 我们实验室的一名学生在跑步机上跑步的时候,还能戴着心电图进行模拟压力测试. It was a lot of fun to experience and learn.

I honestly can't say anything bad about UNE. 正规澳门赌场网络在适应很多方面做得很好,并把我们的教育放在第一位. 我真的觉得我在这里得到了最好的教育. I’m learning so much so fast. It’s really rewarding. I can’t wait for clinicals in second year! 我们至少要做六种不同的轮转,然后有两种我们可以选择我们想做的专业. 你可以找到自己的导师,他愿意接受你,所以这是灵活的. 我想这将有助于我决定毕业后想做什么.

Physician Assistant (M.S.P.A.)

IPE Impact Report

除了使人们成为更有效的医疗保健提供者, IPE helps people get hired, maximize leadership opportunities, avert professional burnout, develop resilience, and more.

这些都是最近一项校友调查的结果, 让他们评估他们的跨专业教育对他们的工作生活的影响.  

Learn more about the impact report

Why Interprofessional Education Matters

Student Opportunities

CAIEP招收正规澳门赌场网络的本科生和研究生 cross-disciplinary experiential activities, immersive service-learning opportunities, team-based community initiatives, and collaborative research projects.   

Students can earn an IPE Honors Distinction 通过在电子档案中记录参与CAIEP活动的情况,并产生一个有意义的跨专业项目. 

如果你想了解更多正规澳门赌场网络CAIEP的机会, email Michelle Cote at mcote8@smartintercart.com.

President Herbert speaking at a CECE event
Presentation on Addiction Prevention and You
Speakers at a CECE event
Man lays out puzzle pieces on addiction
Accelerated Nursing students at an orientation event

Faculty and Professional Staff Opportunities

我们始终欢迎并鼓励教师和专业人员成为CAIEP活跃社区的一员, advisors, 和研究人员一起推进对IPE有效性的了解.

To learn more about employee opportunities email Kris Hall at chall4@smartintercart.com.

Our Collaborators

CAIEP builds relationships with faculty, university centers, programs, community partners, and national organizations. 这些伙伴关系有助于最先进的编程, 在大学期间为学生提供有意义的课外活动和服务学习机会, and lifelong connections post-graduation.

If you would like to partner with our center, email Shelley Cohen Konrad at scohenkonrad@smartintercart.com.